In Psalm 8, God placed humans in charge of all creation! If God gave us the knowledge to do this, surely we have the right to use this knowledge.
GE and cloning could get rid of some terrible diseases and this would surely be one way of "loving your neighbour as you love yourself!" (Mark 12)
GE could develop crops to ensure that people are fed and Jesus - whose example Christians try to follow - did feed 5000. (Mark 6)
The book of Genesis tells us that God is the creator and GE and cloning are interfering with God's creative plan.
The Bible - which Christians look to for guidance - says "Your body is a temple of the holy spirit. You are not your own!" This suggests it is wrong to experiment on our bodies.
Human beings are created in the "image of God" but GE and cloning seem to suggest that this is not good enough. They are encouraging humans to play at being God.